CCSWCD Secures Grant Funding!
Cumberland County Soil & Water Conservation District has received grant funding to implement a series of hands-on workshops covering conservation landscaping and urban agriculture practices. These techniques will be exemplified in a series of demonstration sites that are to be installed at the District office in Windham using our multi-use parking lot. The aim of this grant project is to provide education to home and business owners by visualizing best management practices for one’s own yard or garden.
Photo of the center median of the multi-use parking lot at CCSWCD - featuring one of several stormwater drains located on the property.
Photo of the garden on the left side of the multi-use parking lot at CCSWCD,
A free workshop series will begin this spring, focusing on the benefits of each conservation technique that will be included as part of the demonstration sites. Attendees will be able to get their hands dirty in one of our eight demonstration gardens while gaining knowledge that can be easily implemented in their own yard. Stay tuned for workshop and event announcements as dates are finalized!