From the Chair: Covid-19 Update

We are open for business – maybe not as usual but these are unusual times.

Although the COVID-19 virus has disrupted our everyday lives, CCSWCD continues to provide the service necessary to complete our work.

Our staff is equipped with tools to work remotely keeping us in contact with our customers, partners and vendors. We have reduced our in-house staff and are taking the following precautions:

  • While the District office will be closed to the public, we will still operate during the normal business hours of 9 AM – 5 PM.

  • Non-employees, customers, and drivers are no longer permitted to enter the building.

  • Clients picking up or dropping off material must call and make arrangements prior to coming to the office.

  • Clients and drivers please ring the doorbell and a District employee will bring your material to you or give you access to the lobby for drop off. There will be no personal contact.

  • All District employee travel and face-to-face visits have been suspended until further notice. When necessary, we will set up Microsoft Teams meetings with clients to discuss projects or answer questions.

  • Our education programs will continue, and webinars will replace in-person workshops.

It is important that we all pull together and help each other get through this unprecedented event. Please stay safe and respect the suggestions and recommendations of our federal, state and local leaders and health organizations, for the safety of our community and nation. We will update you periodically of any new policies and procedures.

Carol Ann Doucette
Chair, Board of Supervisors


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2019 Annual Report