Fall: The Best Time for Lawn Care


What to do with fallen leaves?

  • Rake and compost them or use them as mulch on garden beds

  • Mulch them into your lawn with your mower (extra nutrients and organic matter for your soil)

  • Leave a thin, even layer on your lawn (benefits your lawn and creates helpful winter habitats)

Set the stage to grow healthy plants in 2022 by implementing the following YardScaping tips now through October (or whenever killing frosts occur):

  • If you need to build your topsoil, aerate and topdress with compost (complete before mid-September)

  • Overseed any bare or thin sections (complete before mid-September)

  • Continue mowing at 3”, leaving the grass clippings (temporarily use your bagger if you have weeds like crabgrass to collect seeds)

  • Set your mower blades to 2” for the final mow of the season

  • Follow your soil test results

Need a refresher on these YardScaping practices? In-depth explanations can be found in our YardScaping Fact Sheets.


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