Have You Registered for Urban Runoff Yet? Feb 24 Written By Chris Brewer Please register today and consider running or walking the Goosefare Brook (Saco) trail. This course begins at the end of Mill Brook Road, off Route 1 in Saco. The entirety of the course is on the Eastern Trail and is a great accessible option. The course crosses Goosefare Brook on its way to the ocean. Course Details The Goosefare Brook course is brought to you by: Sponsors Chris Brewer
Have You Registered for Urban Runoff Yet? Feb 24 Written By Chris Brewer Please register today and consider running or walking the Goosefare Brook (Saco) trail. This course begins at the end of Mill Brook Road, off Route 1 in Saco. The entirety of the course is on the Eastern Trail and is a great accessible option. The course crosses Goosefare Brook on its way to the ocean. Course Details The Goosefare Brook course is brought to you by: Sponsors Chris Brewer