Preparing Your Lawn

Students topdressing with compost to build up the topsoil.

Students topdressing with compost to build up the topsoil.

Set yourself and your lawn up for success all season long by implementing the following YardScaping tips between April (or whenever the snow melts) and June:

  • Sharpen your mower blades

  • Manually remove or smother large weed patches

  • If you need to build your topsoil, aerate and topdress with compost

  • As the temperature averages 50 degrees, overseed any bare or thin sections

  • Set your mower blades to 2” for the first mow of the season

  • Raise your mower blade to 3” for the rest of the season

  • Leave your grass clippings for free nutrients

  • Take a soil test before adding any fertilizer, pesticides, or lime to your lawn

  • Did you have grubs last year? Order nematodes with a local nursery or discourage beetles from coming over for a meal.

Need a refresher on these YardScaping practices? In-depth explanations can be found in our YardScaping Fact Sheets.


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