Cumberland County Soil & Water Conservation District

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Gray MicroPark Permablitz

Come out to the Permablitz on Saturday, May 8th from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM! We’re going to transform an abandoned public lot at Gray Village Center (5 Yarmouth Road) into a beautiful, vibrant commons with a food forest for the people of Gray and visitors alike using permaculture.

What is a permablitz, you ask?

Think “Barn Raising” but people gather to install edible landscapes, rainwater collection systems, compost, and renewable energy systems. Often suburban lots become urban homestead in one day. People gather, look at the plan, learn about the systems being installed, and assemble them. Permaculture is equal parts imagination and perspiration, with deep environmental awareness.


Work projects and teams to be announced based on the permaculture design for the site, but there is a preliminary agenda for planning purposes.

9:00 am - Gather for coffee and tea (provided)
9:30 am - Introductions and a briefing on the plan for the day
10:00 am - Break into teams and work on projects
12:15 pm - Picnic Lunch (normally we would potluck, but with COVID individual picnics are safer)
During Lunch District staff will distribute copies of a draft Community Agriculture Plan for Gray that has been developed with town staff and local stakeholders.
1:00 pm - Resume work
3:00 pm - Clean up, Community Announcements, and Closing Circle


All ages and skill levels are welcome. Tools will be provided, however, if you have extras, bring them with you!

We are looking for donations of plants and materials from the community. If you have any sheet mulch materials (leaves, grass clippings, seaweed) or plants (such as Day Lilly, Bloodroot, Comfrey, or Garlic Chives, and more), please let us know!