CCSWCD Has a New Home!

We are so pleased to announce: We’re putting down roots! We’re here to stay.

After 12 years leasing the building at 35 Main Street in Windham, the District made the decision to purchase the building and make this our permanent home.

The location is perfect for us!

Windham is right in the middle of Cumberland County, the District’s service area.

It makes good financial sense, too.

The monthly mortgage payment is less than the prior rent and is building an asset for the District.

We’re ready for a permanent home.

The District was created in 1946 to provide for the conservation of the soil and water resources of Cumberland County. Sharing our permanent home with the citizens of Cumberland County will allow the District better opportunities to accomplish our Mission: to assist and educate the public to promote stewardship of soil and water resources.

Join us in making our vision a reality.

We have a vision of remaking the property in coming years. It will be a site for hands-on education and demonstrations of conservation practices.

Stop by and see us, the change has already begun!


Buffer Blitz Workshop


CONNECT Youth Education: New Partnerships Enhance Learning Opportunities