Free Soil Lead Screening


Free soil lead screening is available to Cumberland County residents. Bring your samples (up to 3) to one of five drop-off points. Samples collected will be mailed to the EPA lab for a free lead screening. All results will be analyzed anonymously and individual information will not be visible to the public. Results will be returned with recommendations based on individual results.

Sample Drop-Off Points

May 22nd, 2021 7-1pm @ Portland Farmer’s Market in Payson Park |
Catafalque Dr, Portland, ME 04103
May 23rd, 2021 1-2pm @ Libbytown Community Garden | 175 Douglass St, Portland, ME 04102
May 25th, 2021 4-6pm @ Libbytown Community Garden | 175 Douglass St, Portland, ME 04102
May 27th, 2021 4-6pm @ Valley Street Community Garden | 138 Valley St, Portland, ME 04102

Now- June 4th during office hours (M-F 8-4pm) @ Cumberland County Soil & Water Conservation District |
35 Main St, Windham, ME 04062


1.     Collect your soil sample. We recommend collecting several locations from an area (garden, playground, lawn, etc) and mixing them together to get an average of the area for your final sample. Click here to view more on how to sample. We ask that if you are sampling a residential property to please limit your sample areas to 3 per property.

2.     Bag your soil. You only need about a ½-1 cup of soil for your sample.

3.     Complete the form. Complete the sample form at home or at the drop-off point. Fully completing the form helps us provide you with more specific information when you get your results back. All results will be analyzed anonymously and individual information will not be visible to the public.

4.     Add Sample ID labels. ID labels will be assigned at the Drop-Off points. The samples on your form and sample bag must match to receive your results. Each sample must have its own ID number (if you bring 3 samples, you will have 3 unique ID numbers).

CLICK HERE for Printable Instructions and Sample Form


Growing Together: A Community Agriculture Planning Toolkit


Heathy Lawn and Garden Items Available in the Conservation Shop