Growing Together: A Community Agriculture Planning Toolkit
This webinar for municipal officials, community leaders, and community development groups will showcase work completed through a grant from the NACD to create a tool kit for Community Agriculture Planning and case studies from 4 communities.
Jun 22nd | 3:30pm | FREE
Please register here to receive access to the link to join this webinar.
The Cumberland County Soil & Water Conservation District received a grant from the National Association of Conservation Districts in February 2020 to develop a Community Agriculture Planning Toolkit and support several communities with writing a Community Agriculture Plan.
Join us on June 22nd at 3:30pm for this presentation which will showcase the following:
Community Agriculture Planning Toolkit: What’s included and how to use it to create a customized plan for your community.
Case Studies: Four communities participated in pilot process for drafting a Community Agriculture Plan. Participating communities also had the opportunity to receive support for implementing one item included in their draft Plan.
This webinar is recommended for municipal officials, community leaders, community development groups, agriculture based organizations, or anyone wanting to learn more about initiating community agriculture programs in their community.